VS250 Safety Glasses

VS250 Safety Glasses

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    Product Description TRUSHIELD LENS COATING Interior lens: Permanent Anti-Fog Exterior lens: Scratch-Resistance Ideal for: Most applications and environments where body heat is causing fogging issues. TruShield is a multi-purpose coating NOT ideal for: Hot to cold temperature transitions, continuous stream or misting conditions IMPORTANT CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS: Do not use anti-fog cleaner or solution on lens as that will ruin the coating. To properly clean lens - only use a microfiber cloth. TRUSHIELD-2F LENS COATING Interior lens: Permanent Anti-Fog AND Scratch-Resistance Exterior lens: Permanent Anti-fog AND Scratch-Resistance Ideal for: Clean to moderately dirty work environments, where workers transition from cold to hot or hot to cold NOT ideal for: Extremely dusty or dirty environments IMPORTANT CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS: Do not use anti-fog cleaner or solution on lens as that will ruin the coating. To properly clean lens - only use a microfiber cloth. TRUSHIELD-S LENS COATING Interior lens: Permanent Dual-Action Anti-Fog Exterior lens: Scratch-Resistance Ideal for: Environments where there is a high degree of dirt or debris, coupled with more severe fogging factors NOT ideal for: Hot to cold temperature transitions, continuous steam or misting conditions IMPORTANT CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS: Do not use anti-fog cleaner or solution on lens as that will ruin the coating. To properly clean lens - only use a microfiber cloth. TRUSHIELD-2SF LENS COATING Interior lens: Permanent Dual-Action Anti-Fog Exterior lens: Permanent Dual-Action Anti-Fog Ideal for: Extremely humid environments or environments where there is direct steam present NOT ideal for: Extremely dusty or dirty environments IMPORTANT CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS: Do not use anti-fog cleaner or solution on lens as that will ruin the coating. To properly clean lens - only use a microfiber cloth. TruShield TruShield-2F TruShield-S TruShield-2SF